Week 9

Read Aloud: The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind: Young Readers Edition by William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer (Non-Fiction)

STEM Extension Project: Students are starting to plan the build of their windmills.

Reading: Character Traits, Plot, and Traditional Literature

Writing: RACE Strategy

Word Study & Grammar: Prefixes: re- & un-

Math: Fractions & Decimals on a Number Line

Science: Mixtures & Solutions

Social Studies: Texas Tribes

Important Dates

11/3  Run For The Water

This run is about coming together to raise money for clean water, making a real difference in people’s lives. Last year, our class had the largest team in the race, and this year, the entire 4th grade is invited to participate! We will meet at the start line before the race and begin together.
**All students running the 5K must run with a parent or guardian. If a parent/guardian cannot run in the 5K, please register your child for the 1-mile run.

#1 Fill out runner’s information (you & your child)
#2 Select the event: 5K or Kids K/1 Mile (most kids ran the 5K last year)
#3 Would you like to join or create a team? Select ‘YES’
#4 Continue to the next page & select ‘JOIN AN EXISTING TEAM’
#5 Select Casis Elementary & finish the registration
Let me know once you register so I can ensure you and your child are added to the team!

To Do…

New This Year: If your child will be absent, please email [email protected] and include all notes.

Background Check: Please complete the background check if you would like to volunteer this year: Create A Volunteer Account w/AISD

Year-Long Theme: Resilience and Transformation

This year, our curriculum will revolve around the theme of resilience and transformation. Through our reading adventures, science explorations, and Texas history lessons, students will discover how individuals, communities, and the environment undergo change and growth. They will learn how resilience—the ability to withstand and adapt to challenges—plays a crucial role in personal and societal transformation. This theme will help students appreciate the dynamic nature of the world around them and inspire them to face their own challenges with courage and creativity.